Student Resources
Student Code of Conduct
Everyone is welcome in our schools regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, immigration status, country of origin, disability, or other factors. Everyone is entitled to academic success regardless of background or family circumstances and each student will be provided the necessary supports to ensure that success. Our discipline policies and practices, including the Code of Student Code, are built around this commitment. In Oregon City, we value the contributions everyone makes to our learning community and we utilize the least exclusionary discipline practices possible in order to provide students with ongoing access to instruction, an opportunity to be held authentically accountable and the chance to learn from their mistakes
Student Technology Accounts
All students have access to the following resources:
Student storage folders on server: afp://students (Mac) or \\students (PCs)
The key to all these great resources is login access. The information provided here is intended to help clarify our standard login conventions for students.
Standard login format
Username: first.middleInitial.last-last
(e.g. juan.a.johanes-gordon)
Password: ask your teacher if you do not know what it is
Email: first.middleinitial.last-last@student.orecity.k12.or.us
(e.g. juan.a.johanes-gordon@student.orecity.k12.or.us)
What about students without middle names?
Students without a middle name will follow the original naming convention of first.last. Simply leave out the middle initial. For example John Parson-Gordon would be john.parson-gordon.
What about students with long or hyphenated last names?
Our directory system limits login names to 20 characters. For example Jonathan Caleb Millano-Orteez would be jonathan.c.millano-o.